Fernando Mendez, Dr.
- Postdoktorand im Projekt "Popular Sovereignty vs. the Rule of Law? Defining the Limits of Direct Democracy" (LIDD)
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- +41 44 634 58 81
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Seit 2018: Postdoktorand im Projekt "Popular Sovereignty vs. the Rule of Law? Defining the Limits of Direct Democracy" (LIDD)
2007-2018: Senior Researcher and Lecturer, Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau
2004-2007: Research assistant, Centre for Research on Direct Democracy, University of Geneva
2007: PhD in Political Science, European University Institute
1998: MSc. European Politics, London School of Economics
Publikationen (Auswahl)
Books and Reports
Mendez, F., Mendez, M., Triga, V. (2014) Referendums and the European Union: A comparative inquiry. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press
Wheatley, J. & Mendez, F. (2013) (eds) Patterns of constitutional design: The role of Citizens and elites in constitution–making. Farnham: Ashgate
Mendez, F. & Mendez, M. (2017) Referendums on EU matters. Study commissioned by the European Parliament’s Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee
Articles and Book chapters
Wheatley, J. & Mendez, F. (2019) Reconceptualizing Dimensions of Political Competition in Europe: A Demand-side Approach. British Journal of Political Science, 1-20
Mendez, F. & Mendez, M. (2018) Referendums on European Integration: Crisis Solving or Crisis Inducing?, in: (eds) Morel, L. & Qvortrup, M. Routledge Compendium on Direct Democracy. London: Routledge
Mendez, F. & Mendez, F. (2017) The promise and perils of direct democracy for the European Union. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies
Mendez, F. & Germann, M. (2016) Contested Sovereignty: Mapping Referendums on Sovereignty over Time and Space. British Journal of Political Science
Mendez, F. & Mendez, M. (2016) The European Union and direct democracy: An overview, in: Ruth, S., Y. Welp & L. Whitehead. (eds) Let the people rule? Direct democracy in the twenty-first century, Colchester: ECPR Press
Mendez, F. (2014) Dilemmas of European integration: Beyond the Lisbon constitutional settlement, in: Kübler, D., Stojanovic ́, N (eds) Democracy in the European Union. A Contribution from the Swiss Perspective, Schriften zur Demokratieforschung, Volume 9, Berne: Schulthess Verlag
Mendez, F. & Mendez, M. (2011) Referendums and European integration: Beyond the Lisbon vote. Public Law, 2, 223–229
Mendez, F., Mendez, M., & Triga, V. (2009) Direct democracy in the European Union: How comparative federalism can help us understand the interplay of direct democracy and European integration. Revista de Ciencia Política, 29(1), 57-83